Monday, August 31, 2009

Social Networking:Hampering Productivity!!

A recent survey claims that web socialising is hampering productivity.This survey was conducted by Boston-bsed firm.It says,employers who allow employees access to social networking sites like twitter and facebook to name a few,lose an average 1.5% in worker productivity.
Though,it's a serious debactable topic,But i think this survey can never prove this.Actually,it is very difficlut to establish a direct correlation between time spent socialising on the internet by workers and their productivity.An output by a worker can depend on variety of factors.Social networking is a relatively new phenomena in the much old socialising process which even includes texting,mail,telephone conversations etc.I haven't seen any restrictions on the employers of any company on talking over the phone,so why not on social networking?In today's world,socialising is essential.In it's absence,life would be mechanical.Spending a few minutes at working keeping in touch with world outside is not such a bad thing.Isn't it?It can be hugely beneficial,as it can help for an employers to bulit new contacts-which will only enchance their productivity-while social networking
I recently heard a study which conradict the findings of this survey.It was a research project at melbourne university suggested that people who spend a reasonable amount of time on internet for fun at work are actually more productive-almost 9% more!This type of socialising is only helping employes to loosen up.An employee-friendly organisation is bound to be more productive.

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